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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 04/13/04

April 13, 2004 meeting

Members Present:
        Carol Court             Ron Haggett             Don Winchester  
        Paul Young
Member Absent:
John Kendall            Tim Quachenbush 
Public attendees:
        Maria Isotti            David Thompson

Chairman Winchester convened the meeting at 7:00 PM. He introduced the Board members and explained the procedure for conducting a public hearing. He then opened the public hearing on the request by Maria Isotti and David Thompson for a variance from Article XIV, Section P.9 of the zoning ordinance to permit the expansion of the existing garage which is being used for a home occupation on property located at 59 West Street, Antrim, New Hampshire, Tax Map 1C, Lot 9, located in the Rural District. He asked Ms. Isotti and/or Mr. Thompson to present their application to the members.

Ms Isotti explained that they currently conduct a home business repairing small motors and custom building motorcycles. They are currently operating in a small garage that is 30 feet by 30 feet. Not only is the garage to small to handle their current volume of business but it is necessary to store materials and actually perform some of the work outdoors. The small area and having to work outdoors further exacerbates the working condition because of Mr. Thompson’s handicap as he is confined to a wheelchair. The construction of a larger building would provide for more material storage and working area and considerably facilitate the ability of Mr. Thompson to move about. The secretary pointed out that the basis for the request for a variance was that the ordinance only permitted the expansion of a home occupation of 600 square feet of less. The proposed expansion would be 1,440 square feet.

Mr. Winchester asked if the expansion was to accommodate an increase in business. Mr. Thompson said that they did not expect the volume of business to increase and the main reason for the expansion was for ease of operation at their present level. Ms. Court asked what the plans were for the old garage. Ms. Isotti said that they would keep it and that they had recently resided it and rewired it. Mr. Haggett asked if the new structure would be on a cement slab. Mr. Thompson said it would have wood floors set on a four-foot deep frost-free foundation. Mr. Young asked about the size of the breezeway between the new structure and the old garage and Ms. Isotti pointed out that it would be 12’ by 5’. Mr. Young also asked if there would be bathroom facilities in either of the structures and was told that there might be a privacy room with a propane toilet but that there were no plans to hook anything up to the existing septic system. A question was asked regarding parking facilities. Mr. Thompson indicated that their personal cars are parked next to the residence and that there are very few customer cars, in fact the parking area is usually used to park motorcycles. There were no abutters present to speak either in favor of or against the application. The secretary indicated that he had discussed the matter with the Building Inspector who stated that all other ordinance requirements such as setbacks were met. Mr. Young felt that a variance was justified because of the special circumstances of Mr. Thompson’s handicap. Mr. Winchester moved for a roll call vote on the five conditions to be met to grant a variance with a conditional requirement that the structure shall not exceed a footprint of 30 feet by 48 feet with a connecting breezeway to the existing garage. Mr. Young seconded the motion that was passed on a voice vote.  

The Proposed use would not diminish surrounding property values: Roll call vote: Carol Court – aye, Ron Haggett - aye, Don Winchester – aye, Paul Young – aye.
2.    Granting the variance would be of benefit to the public interest: Roll call vote: Carol Court – aye, Ron Haggett - aye, Don Winchester – aye, Paul Young – aye.
Denial of the variance would result in unnecessary hardship to the owner because of special circumstances of the property that distinguish it from other properties similarly zoned: Roll call vote: Carol Court – aye, Ron Haggett - aye, Don Winchester – aye, Paul Young – aye.
Granting the variance would do a substantial justice: Roll call vote: Carol Court – aye, Ron Haggett - aye, Don Winchester – aye, Paul Young – aye.
The use is not contrary to the spirit of the ordinance: Roll call vote: Carol Court – aye, Ron Haggett - aye, Don Winchester – aye, Paul Young – aye.

The secretary advised the applicants that their request for a variance had been granted and that they would receive official notification in the mail. They were also told that their next step would be to obtain the necessary building permits before proceeding with construction.

The next order of business was to approve the minutes of the March 31, 2004 meeting and Mr. Haggett moved to do so. Mr. Young seconded the motion that was passed.

The secretary then present a request of Mr. Peter Lamb regard the plans to construct a storage shed on the recreation field which would be within the 20 foot sideline setback (or 50 feet front yard setback if School Street is considered the lot frontage). The question was whether or not it was necessary that a formal request for a variance be made with public notice and hearings since the recreational field was town property. After some discussion, it was the consensus that a formal appeal should be followed; however all hearing, advertising and notification fees should be waived.

Mr. Winchester moved that the meeting be adjourned and Mr. Haggett seconded the motion. Mr. Winchester adjourned the meeting at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Zoning Board of Adjustment